Home Instead Senior Care, Northeastern Pennsylvania

Sizzling Temps Can Pose Threats to Seniors

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Summer weather can pose special health risks to older adults and people with chronic medical conditions. It is critically important that the elderly, especially those most susceptible to hyperthermia and other heat-related conditions, know how to safeguard against these threats. 

Hyperthermia is elevated body temperature caused by a failure of the body’s heat-regulating mechanisms. Forms of hyperthermia include heat fatigue, heat syncope (sudden dizziness after prolonged exposure to the heat), heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Older adults can be at risk for experiencing these conditions, and this risk can increase with the combination of outside temperature, individual lifestyle and general health, according to the National Institute on Aging (NIA).

Some lifestyle factors that could increase this risk include not drinking enough fluids, living in housing without air conditioning, lack of mobility and access to transportation, overdressing, visiting overcrowded places and not understanding how to respond to hot weather conditions. 

Older people, especially those with chronic medical conditions and when an air pollution alert is in effect, should stay indoors in cooler spaces on hot and humid days. People without air conditioners should go to places that do have air conditioning (e.g., senior centers, shopping malls, movie theaters, libraries). 

For a free copy of the NIA’s AgePage Series on hyperthermia (in English or Spanish), contact the NIA Information Center at 1-800-222-2225 or go to www.nia.nih.gov/health/publication/hyperthermia.

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